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We seek to be the light of Christ as we integrate faith and health
in the ministry of Faith Community Nursing

LFCNA Individual Membership Eligibility, Criteria, and Participation Guidelines

Basic Qualifications for Membership eligibility includes:

1.  Must be a Registered Nurse with an unencumbered license, and
2.  Is Lutheran or from another denomination serving in a Lutheran faith community, or
3.  Has a position that supports or coordinates Lutheran Faith Community Nurses or
4.  Is serving Lutheran communities, including Lutheran affiliated schools of nursing, or
5.  Is retired from Faith Community Nursing in a Lutheran community.

In addition:

  • Membership year is from January through December
  • A recurring payment option is not available when joining or renewing
  • The organization does not discriminate based on race, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or age
  • Any variation to the above criteria will be considered on an individual basis

Standard Membership Dues: $40 for 1 year; $60 for 2 years

Criteria for Standard Membership in LFCNA are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure: Must be a Registered Nurse with a current license
2.  Preparation: Successfully completed a Faith Community Preparation course
3.  Pay membership dues
4.  A retiree may select standard, lifetime or retiree membership.

Lifetime Membership dues: $300

Criteria for Lifetime Membership are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure: If in active practice, a current RN license is required. If retired from practice, licensure is optional
2.  Preparation: If in active FCN practice, must meet the criteria for Standard Membership.
        An FCN foundations course is not required for a Lifetime Associate membership.
3.  Pay membership lifetime dues.

Associate Membership Dues: $40 for 1 year; $60 for 2 years

Criteria for Associate Membership in LFCNA are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure: Must be a Registered Nurse with a current license
2.  Preparation: Has not taken a Faith Community Nurse preparation course
3.  Pay membership dues

Retiree Membership Dues: $20 annually

Criteria for Retiree LFCNA Membership are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure: May or may not have a current license
2.  Preparation: Has met the criteria for standard or associate membership but has retired from both Faith Community Nursing and any other nursing position
3.  Is committed to continued support of LFCNA and its mission
4.  Pay membership dues. NOTE: A retiree may select standard, lifetime or retiree membership.

New Faith Community Nurse Graduate Membership: Free

Criteria for a new Faith Community Nurse are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure: Must be a Registered Nurse with a current license
2.  Preparation: Has completed a Faith Community Nurse preparation course in the past calendar year
3.  Will receive first year or partial year (after July 1) membership free of charge
4.  Pays full dues starting the following year for continued standard membership

Half Year Dues for Standard or Associate Membership: $20

Criteria for half year membership are the basic qualifications as above and:

1.  Licensure and preparation: Meets the requirements for Standard or Associate Membership
2.  Joins July 1 or after
3.  Pays full dues starting the following year for continued membership

Membership Participation Eligibility Guidelines:

1.  Standard and Lifetime Standard Members – full voting privileges, can serve on committees and the board of directors.
2.  Associate and Lifetime Associate Members – can serve on committees. Are not eligible to vote or serve on the board of directors.
3.  Retiree member – full voting privileges, can serve on committees and the board of directors.
4.  New FCN – full voting privileges, can serve on committees but is not eligible to serve on the board of directors.

If you are joining, please scroll down to select one of these options and follow the prompts.

NOTE: If you are ineligible for membership or choose not to join, but wish to receive information about our educational events and newsletters, please send an email with that request to

Benefits of LFCNA Membership
  • Promote and support Faith Community Nursing within a Lutheran congregation, including encouraging the development of faith community nurse ministries. Membership dues help provide grants for ministries.
  • Participate in educational events offering professional and spiritual growth sponsored by the organization with continuing education units whenever possible.
  • Networking with other Lutheran Faith Community Nurses.
  • Access to the, LFCNA Member Directory.
  • Reduced fees for educational program registration
  • Access to Members Only portion of the website.
  • Opportunity to receive the Journal of Christian Nursing (JCN) at a discounted price by joining Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF). Members can receive 15% off of a membership to NCF at  NCF members get JCN, PLUS free and discounted CEUs and lots of other product discounts. Depending on what NCF membership level you choose (practicing nurse or unpaid retired nurse over 60) and how you want to receive JCN (in print + online access or online-only).
  • Promote health and wellness among congregations and support church leaders through our presence at churchwide and synod gatherings.
  • Seek opportunities for Faith Community Nurses to have representation on Synod Councils and to be integrated into the practices and the future vision of the Church.
  • Respond to your responsibility to belong to a professional nursing organization as a Faith Community Nurse.

Membership Support

Whether you are a paid or unpaid Faith Community Nurse, you may want to ask your congregation to support you by paying your dues to LFCNA. Attached is the draft of a letter you can personalize and send to your pastor, parish council president, supervisor, or appropriate committee to support you in this process. This letter is to request payment of your membership dues by your organization or church in support of your practice.       Request for Support

Find your Region

As you complete your membership application you will be asked to identify the ELCA region in which you live. Please click here to find the Regional Map.

Join us

Note:  If you prefer to join or renew your membership dues by personal check, made out to LFCNA, and send to
                                                                                                 6626 Eliot View Road
                                                                                                 St. Louis Park, MN 55426
After the check is received you will receive the confirmation letter. 

To change your current membership level please send a request to stating the level you prefer.  You will be sent a new invoice with payment instructions.

Remember to update your Membership Profile on the website.    

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

Last updated: 03/19/2025

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Please contact us with any website recommendations or corrections at

Click below to find the LFCNA Brochure: 
LFCNA Brochure

Email us at:

Mail us at:
6626 Eliot View Road
St. Louis Park, MN 55426

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