Committee Goals 2025
Lutheran Faith Community Nurse Association (LFCNA)
Membership Committee
- Recruit 25 new members
- Maintain Member Retention rate at or above 90%
- Provide communication to the ELCA staff to make LFCNA more visible and accessible on their website and offer assistance to update the online information.
- Develop strategies to encourage greater participation in peer sharing groups
- Evaluate membership options for groups or other organizations. (i.e. ELCA Deaconess community)
- Pursue dialogue with members who are faculty regarding non-RNs taking preparation courses and seeking membership.
- Maintain quarterly orientation sessions for new members.
Communications Committee
- LFCNA Connections Newsletter Click rate (those who actually open the newsletter) of 65% or greater for active members.
- Conduct a poll of members regarding newsletter and Facebook.
- Obtain at least 4 member contributions to each issue of the newsletter.
- Re-evaluate the purpose, benefits, and options for an organizational Facebook page.
- Review every website page for currency, appearance, and relevance at least annually.
- Engage Regional Directors in reviewing their regional pages and make needed updates annually at minimum.
- Recruit 2 new members for this committee.
Governance Committee
- Develop and/or review policies, guidelines and forms as needed for consistency with the bylaws and other policies
- Evaluate the new board member orientation and modify if needed
- Develop a ballot for the 2025 election, for Board members and Officers serving in 2026/2027.
- Draft revisions to the Bylaws as needed
- Develop the title, description, and scope of work for a new standing committee tasked with development of members only benefits and resources.
Outreach Committee
- Submit an abstract to the American Association for the History of Nursing Conference (October 2025) to present the history of Faith Community Nursing.
- Continue dialogue with the ELCA Deaconess Community, seeking partnership opportunities
- Provide needed input to participate in an ELCA Pulse survey
- Pursue an opportunity to provide an FCN presentation at 2 Lutheran Seminaries
- Explore partnership opportunities with Portico
- Have an LFCNA presence at 15 synod assemblies or other events
- Have an LFCNA presence at Churchwide 2025 in Phoenix
Education Committee
- Offer five (5) paid education events in 2025
- Offer a free educational event as part of the 2025 annual meeting
- Seek Contact Hours for events described in goals 1 and 2.
- Continue to offer Replenishing Your Heart events
Finance Committee
- Develop a defined fundraising strategy for fiscal year end 2024 and 2025.
- No later than March 1, 2025, create a databank to support grant writing and for purposes of creating an annual report for the organization.
- Expand our knowledge and skills related to grant writing and fundraising to support organizational sustainability and viability by attending a minimum of 3 educational offerings on pertinent topics.
- Continue development of the concept of Fiscal Partnerships and obtain a minimum of two partners by end of 2025.
- Provide necessary support to the new standing committee developing benefits for members only, offering financial guidance and resources as needed.
Grants Committee
- Award three grants of up to $750 to congregations, consistent with Grant Guidelines
- Reevaluate the grant follow-up process and refine if needed
- Assist with administration of other grants awarded to the organization, as needed
Personnel Committee
- Finalize and seek board approval of the employee handbook.
- Review the Executive Director position description and revise if needed.
- Understand the role of the Personnel Committee in employee grievances.
- Develop other employment policies, if needed.
- Develop an employee evaluation tool and process.
Approved by the Board of Directors 10/23/2024